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DRC | How can we encourage the emergence of tomorrow’s champions?

ETC Guarantee > News and Media > Blog > DRC | How can we encourage the emergence of tomorrow’s champions?

The theme of this video is the economic potential of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the challenges and the role of partnerships of finance experts in the training of future economic champions. The show features guests from BGFIBank RDC and ETC – ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation. The discussion is divided into three main segments:

  1. Context and specificities of the DRC:
    – Discussion of the business climate and unique market characteristics.
    – Comparisons with other African countries.
    – Emphasis on untapped economic potential.
  2. Finance the economy:
    – Address the challenges facing banks in the DRC.
    – The supporting role of institutions like ETC in assisting banks.
    – Explore the financial instruments available to future economic champions.
  3. Real cases – Sada, KM Oil, Monishop:
    – Highlights of three specific projects supported by the two institutions.
    – An overview of the project financing criteria and the approach adopted.
    – The use of financial instruments in these projects.

The video ends with final remarks from the guests. Overall, the program aims to highlight the economic prospects of the DRC and the importance of partnerships of finance experts in its development.