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Our guarantees

ETC Guarantee > Our guarantees

Investment, trade and market guarantees from ETC Export Trading Cooperation

ETC Export Trading Cooperation provides guarantees for investment, trade, market to African companies and banks

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Investment guarantee is a type of financial instrument used to protect investors against losses related to specific investments. This guarantee may be offered by a variety of providers, including insurance brokers, investment, banks and insurance companies.
In general, an investment guarantee provides partial or full protection against losses resulting from an event specified, such as bankruptcy or a decline in the value of an asset.
For example, an investment guarantee may provide protection against capital loss under a investment in a mutual fund.

The Project Finance Bond (PFB) is an investment guarantee offered by ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation which allows banks and other financial institutions to limit the risk of default through coverage of loans to medium and long term.

The instrument implemented for this is the stand-by letter of credit which is suitable both for a need in guarantee individually, as a fundraising guarantee or as a guarantee of equity.


It is a financial instrument that is used in international trade transactions to protect buyers and the sellers against the risks of non-payment or non-compliant delivery.
In general, a Trade Guarantee is issued by a bank at the request of a buyer or an importer, who asks the bank to guarantee payment of a specified amount to a seller or exporter.
If the conditions of the guarantee are met, the bank will pay the guaranteed amount to the designated beneficiary.
This allows a short-term loan to facilitate financing in working capital or trade.

To overcome this, our financial institution offers the Trade Finance Bond (TFB), which is a trade guarantee that accompanies companies in the trade of goods and services, in the short and medium term, thanks to the instrument of SBLC (Standby Letter of Credit)



The bid bond, also known as a market bond, is a sum of money or a bank guarantee that the bidding companies must provide when they participate in a public or private call for tenders.

It is intended to ensure that the bidding company will respect the terms of the contract if it wins the tender. Whether the company does not win the tender, the bid bond will be returned. On the other hand, if she wins the appeal fails to comply with the terms of the contract, the bid bond may be used to compensate for losses incurred by the organization that launched the call for tenders.

The Surety Bond (STB) is a complete range of guarantees for your public and private markets offered by ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation to enable you to respond to public or private tenders and secure your markets.
The instrument used for this is the stand-by letter of credit.


The start-up advance deposit is used to guarantee the deposit made by the administration to the successful bidder of the contract when the contract clauses provide for it. Its usefulness only makes sense at the start of the work since it allows the company to pre-finance the work and to prove capable without jeopardizing its accounts.

It is generally intended for companies in the construction, structural work, finishing work, industry and construction sectors, public works. It allows the project manager to obtain a deposit from the client to start the work.

The Surety Bond (STB) is a complete range of guarantees for your public and private markets offered by ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation to enable you to respond to public or private tenders and secure your markets.
The instrument used for this is the stand-by letter of credit.


The performance bond is intended to guarantee the successful completion of the company’s work. In the event of a failure, i.e. in the event of poor performance of the services, the deposit is called and the bank must pay compensation.
The Surety Bond (STB) is a complete range of guarantees for your public and private markets offered by ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation to enable you to respond to public or private tenders and secure your markets.
The instrument used for this is the stand-by letter of credit.


To guarantee the proper execution of the contract, the contracting authority takes 5% to 10% of the amount of the contract. This amount is paid back to the company after the guarantee period for the work carried out, generally over one year.

To benefit from the payment of this amount, the project owner requires the company to provide a retention bond of guarantee covering the guarantee period. This deposit allows the company to be paid in full on delivery while guaranteeing the principal against any defect.

The Surety Bond (STB) is a complete range of guarantees for your public and private markets offered by ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation to enable you to respond to public or private tenders and secure your markets.
The instrument used for this is the stand-by letter of credit.

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