EnglishFrançaisItaliaItaliaBéninCameroun Via Galileo Galilei 2, CAP 31057 Silea Treviso 360, Bld de la Marina, 08 BP 1186 Cotonou 341, Rue Mandessi Bell, Quartier Bali BP 12480 Douala – CAMEROUN
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Financial guarantee guide

ETC Guarantee > Financial guarantee guide

Financial guarantee guide

Guarantee mechanisms will become increasingly essential to mitigate or balance financial, socio-economic and environmental risks in Africa.

ETC – Export Trading Cooperation, European Guarantee Institution of Italian origin, rated A3 with the European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA and member of Swift (with its BIC ETCGIT2T), is specialized in the technical-financial management of trade and investments in Africa. We provide Trade Finance instruments in accordance with International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) standards.

In order to best support you in your risk management, ETC – Export Trading Cooperation offers you its Financial Guarantees Guide. This Guide aims to offer you information with high added value in order to best inform your decisions regarding financial risk.

Discover our complete financial guarantees offer