EnglishFrançaisItaliaItaliaBéninCameroun Via Galileo Galilei 2, CAP 31057 Silea Treviso 360, Bld de la Marina, 08 BP 1186 Cotonou 341, Rue Mandessi Bell, Quartier Bali BP 12480 Douala – CAMEROUN
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Public Rating

Why is this important?

The ESMA public rating refers to the assessment of the credit quality of an issuer or a financial instrument, carried out by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

The ESMA rating is used to assess the credit quality of issuers of financial instruments such as bonds, negotiable debt securities and investment funds.


How does it actually work?

ESMA uses a standard rating scale to assess credit quality, ranging from AAA (highest credit quality) to D (lowest credit quality).

In conclusion

The ESMA public rating enables investors to make informed investment decisions by assessing the risk associated with a given financial instrument or issuer. It is important to note that the ESMA rating does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell a financial instrument or a particular share.

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