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Microcredit and Refinancing: How ETC Coverage Energizes EDG's Mission


EDG (Epargne et Développement du Gabon)


EUR 1.7 million


EUR 2.3 million


EDG, a Major Player in Microfinance in Gabon

EDG (Epargne et Développement du Gabon) was established to address the challenge of low banking penetration and promote financial inclusion in remote regions. EDG’s mission is to provide effective and tailored solutions to the needs of economically vulnerable populations, covering rural areas to assist microenterprises and individuals, a market niche where traditional banks are absent.

In a world where financial inclusion and sustainable development are central concerns, the institution has expanded its network to all provincial capitals in the country over the past decade. Thus, it has become a key player in supporting economic agents, including SMEs, very small businesses, and project initiators. Recognizing the impact of EDG, the Gabonese government has made it its primary partner.

Together, they have supported major projects such as the Skills and Employability Development Project (PRODECE) and the ONE-Entreprendre initiative. These projects aim to improve the integration of young Gabonese individuals into the labor market and facilitate the granting of microcredits to job seekers eager to start their own businesses.

With the strength of its branch network and expertise in supporting small economic agents, EDG is now a preferred partner of the highest authorities in Gabon, especially in the implementation of various inclusive projects. After the success of the PRODECE with the World Bank and the Gabonese government, EDG is currently assisting the Gabonese government in implementing several major projects, including the ONE-Entreprendre Fund, the RCEJPS Fund, the RSE COMILOG Fund, and most recently, the Microcredit Program for Entrepreneurs (PMCE).


Microcredit and Refinancing in Africa

Refinancing microcredit institutions in Africa remains a major challenge, hindering their ability to effectively support local entrepreneurs. Limited access to refinancing is a significant barrier, restricting the growth and positive impact of these institutions. The low credit distribution exacerbates this issue, leading to a lack of funding for micro-enterprises and local initiatives.

Furthermore, the high cost of financial resources poses an additional obstacle, increasing the financial burden on microcredit institutions. This reality hampers their ability to offer competitive interest rates to borrowers, compromising the viability of entrepreneurial projects.

Non-competitive exit rates constitute another crucial issue, resulting in tough competition in the financial services market. These unattractive rates deter potential investors and contribute to the stagnation of the microcredit sector in Africa.

To overcome these challenges, initiatives to facilitate access to refinancing, increase credit distribution, reduce the costs of financial resources, and make exit rates more competitive are essential. These measures could invigorate the microcredit sector, promoting economic development and empowering local entrepreneurs in Africa.

In this context, Export Trading & Coopération (ETC) intervenes by offering its Project Finance Bond (PFB), an investment guarantee aimed at overcoming the aforementioned obstacles and facilitating the financing of microfinance institutions and other actors in Decentralized Financial Systems (SFD).


What is the Project Finance Bond (PFB)?

The Project Finance Bond, or PFB, is an individual investment guarantee offered by ETC. Its goal is to enable banks and financial institutions to mitigate and weigh the default risk associated with medium and long-term loans. It relies on the standby letter of credit, materialized by Swift MT760 messages and compliant with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) standards.

This solution is generally targeted at banks and financial institutions involved in project investment financing and companies carrying these projects. However, the Project Finance Bond (PFB) is also a concrete solution to the medium and long-term refinancing challenges faced by microcredit institutions in Africa.

By providing banks with a coverage mechanism against the default risk associated with microcredit institutions’ refinancing, it eliminates their reluctance to support SFDs.

In summary, the Project Finance Bond emerges as an integrated and effective solution to overcome obstacles to the refinancing of microcredit institutions in Africa and offers positive prospects for the sustainable development of the sector.


Financial Innovation and Social Impact: EDG’s Success with the Project Finance Bond

Through the adoption of the Project Finance Bond, EDG has significantly strengthened its ability to fulfill its primary mission of providing reliable, fast, and tailored financial solutions to the needs of the population. Investment projects have been able to materialize, contributing to the economic growth of Gabon.

The PFB has also contributed to poverty reduction, access to education, and the promotion of gender equality, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Thus, EDG’s successful experience with ETC’s PFB testifies to the transformative potential of this solution. For all financial institutions, especially banks, facing the ambitious mission of promoting sustainable development, ETC’s PFB proves to be a strategic tool. By subscribing to this innovative solution, financial institutions can not only strengthen their ability to achieve their core missions but also significantly contribute to the achievement of SDGs.

In conclusion, ETC’s PFB emerges as an essential solution to align the goals of financial institutions with the imperatives of sustainable development while offering innovative solutions to meet their financial needs. By subscribing to the PFB, financial institutions can truly play a key role in the positive transformation of communities and contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future.

Case study

Microcredit and Refinancing: How ETC Coverage Energizes EDG’s Mission

Export Trading & Coopération (ETC) intervenes by offering its Project Finance Bond (PFB), an investment guarantee aimed at overcoming the aforementioned obstacles and facilitating the financing of microfinance institutions and other actors in Decentralized Financial Systems (SFD)

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