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Bank Relationship Manager: Discover ETC’s Guarantees and Financial services to increase Your Financing Approval Rates!

ETC Guarantee > News and Media > Blog > Bank Relationship Manager: Discover ETC’s Guarantees and Financial services to increase Your Financing Approval Rates!

When preparing a financing file, bank relationship managers, particularly within African banking systems, face numerous challenges.

Key Challenges Faced by Bank Relationship Managers in Preparing Financing Files

Complete and Accurate Documentation: Gathering and compiling the required documents for the financing file can be challenging due to various regulations and specific requirements for each transaction.

Risk Assessment: Accurately assessing the risks associated with the loan is crucial. However, due to economic volatility and political uncertainties in certain African regions, evaluating these risks can be complex.

Collateral and Security: Securing adequate collateral to back the loan can be a challenge, especially when the assets to be pledged are limited or difficult to evaluate.

Financial Analysis: Analyzing the financial health of African borrowers can be difficult due to the limited availability of reliable and up-to-date financial data.

Relationship Management: Maintaining good relationships with clients while objectively assessing their creditworthiness can be tricky, especially when strict credit decisions need to be made.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with local and international regulations throughout the lending process can be complex due to the diverse regulatory requirements in different African countries.

Credit Committee Approval: Convincing the credit committee of the loan’s feasibility and potential can be challenging, especially when projects or businesses present high risks or less clear prospects.

Overcoming these challenges is crucial for Relation Managers to increase loan approval rates. This, in turn, would significantly enhance the banks’ capacity to finance the economy and contribute to Africa’s economic development.

It is with this intent that ETC – Export Trading Cooperation seeks to promote a high-value partnership between its team of Guarantee Managers and Bank Relationship Managers in Africa.


Why Choose ETC?

ETC Export Trading Cooperation is a European institution specializing in providing technical and financial services for investment and international trade projects in Africa. It acts as a partner to businesses, banks, and institutions in the region to mitigate financial risks and support economic development.

ETC is a NOSU (Non-Supervised Entity active in the financial industry), classified among the NBFIs (Non-Bank Financial Institutions), in accordance with SWIFT resolutions 202 and 209, and is registered under the BIC code ETCGIT2TXXX.

The institution is rated A3 (CSQ 2) by an ECAI (External Credit Assessment Institution) (ModeFinance) in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009. Therefore, ETC’s rating can be used for regulatory purposes within the European Union in compliance with CRR II and, by extension, in all banking systems that have ratified the Basel principles.

ETC provides autonomous guarantees or counter-guarantees in the form of SBLCs transmitted via interbank financial message Swift MT760 according to the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce. Consequently, the SBLC represents a direct credit on the Guarantor, it is irrevocable and unconditional.

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ETC Guarantees for Every Need

Need to cover an investment project? Discover ETC’s Project Finance Bond (PFB)

The Project Finance Bond Bank (PFB) is a solution designed to support medium and long-term investments in Sub-Saharan Africa. This investment guarantee provides coverage against default risks associated with loans granted for infrastructure, energy, construction, or other economic sustainable projects.

The PFB helps attract investments and stimulate economic development by providing the necessary guarantee instrument for their realization, essential for the region’s sustainable growth.

Learn more about the [Project Finance Bond (PFB)].

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Need to cover a trade operation, raw material purchase, supplier payment? Discover ETC’s Trade Finance Bond (TFB)

The Trade Finance Bond (TFB) meets the short-term financing needs of companies engaged in commercial transactions in Africa. It assists businesses in various commercial operations, such as stock financing, supplier payments, or goods exportation.

The TFB provides a guarantee in the form of Stand-by Letters of Credit (SBLC), in accordance with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) rules. The SBLC guarantees beneficiaries the payment of agreed sums in case of non-payment or default by the borrowing company.

Learn more about the [Trade Finance Bond (TFB)].

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Need to cover an excess in Single Obligor Limit (SOL)? Discover ETC’s Concentration Risk Bond (CRB)

The Concentration Risk Bond (CRB) provides a solution to mitigate concentration risks in the banking sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. This individual or portfolio risk-sharing guarantee aims to diversify risks by spreading exposures across different counterparties, sectors, or countries. This reduces excessive reliance on a single entity or category.

In practice, the CRB allows banks to meet concentration risks ratios (i.e. Single Obligor Limit ) set by regulators, thereby strengthening their financial solidity and regulatory compliance. By limiting risks related to large exposures, this guarantee offers protection against potential losses resulting from excessive concentration on specific counterparties or sectors sensitive to economic volatility.

In summary, the Concentration Risk Bond (CRB) is a strategic tool for banks in Sub-Saharan Africa in their efforts to comply with prudential ratios, notably the Single Obligor Limit (SOL) Ratio.

Learn more about the [Concentration Risk Bond (CRB)].

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Need to confirm Letters of Credit? Discover the Master Risk Participation Agreement (MRPA) or Irrevocable Reimbursement Undertaking (IRU) offered by ETC

The Master Risk Participation Agreement (MRPA) and Irrevocable Reimbursement Undertaking (IRU) address challenges related to the shortage of correspondent banks willing to take on African risk, which hinders the development of these markets.

In practice, the MRPA and IRU allow correspondent banks to diversify their risks by participating in a portfolio of commercial transactions with African markets. By sharing default risk among multiple financial institutions, these instruments reduce the burden of risk on each bank, making them more willing to engage in commercial transactions with African markets.

Learn more about the [Master Risk Participation Agreement (MRPA)].

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Why Bank Relationship Managers Should Include ETC Solutions Early in the Credit Approval Process

Incorporating ETC’s risk management solutions early in the financing file preparation process can significantly streamline the credit approval process for BRMs. These solutions provide the necessary guarantees that enhance the creditworthiness of projects and clients, allowing for exposure weighting in portfolios. This can directly influence the chances of approval by the credit committee.


Summary of Benefits of Collaborating with ETC

For bank relationship managers in Africa, collaborating with ETC represents a strategic opportunity to overcome key financial challenges, ensure compliance, and increase investor confidence. By integrating ETC’s solutions early in the credit evaluation process, BRMs can significantly improve the success rates of their credit portfolios, promoting institutional growth and regional economic development through:

  • Strengthened financing files: Relation Managers will be able to present more convincing credit proposals, supported by ETC’s robust guarantees.
  • Increased approval rates: Projects with reduced financial risks and assured regulatory compliance are more likely to be approved.
  • Improved client relationships: Offering tailored risk management solutions fosters stronger, trust-based client relationships.
  • Competitive advantages: Utilizing ETC’s innovative solutions positions the bank as a forward-thinking institution capable of addressing complex financial challenges.



Integrate ETC’s solutions today in your financing file preparation and lead your clients and your bank towards financial success and stability.

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