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ETC Export Trading Cooperation commitments

ETC Export Trading Cooperation participates in the United Nations Global Compact
ETC Guarantee > Our commitments

ETC is committed to the United Nations Global Compact in order to contribute in the most significant way possible to the sustainable development goals.

As a reminder, the United Nations Global Compact is a global initiative whose purpose is to engage voluntary companies on sustainability principles.

These principles are as follows:

Human rights

Principle 1: Businesses are encouraged to promote and respect the protection of international human rights law.

Principle 2: Companies are encouraged to ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


Principle 3: Businesses are encouraged to respect freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining.

Principle 4: Businesses are encouraged to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.

Principle 5: Companies are invited to contribute to the effective abolition of child labour.

Principle 6: Businesses are encouraged to contribute to the elimination of all discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


Principle 7: Companies are encouraged to apply the precautionary approach to problems affecting the environment.

Principle 8: Companies are encouraged to take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.

Principle 9: Businesses are encouraged to promote the development and dissemination of technologies that respect the environment.

Anti Corruption

Principle 10: Businesses are encouraged to act against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

How ETC is commited

How ETC commits to human rights

Protection of security and individual personality

The ETC Group’s essential value is the protection of the security, freedom and personality of the person. It is therefore opposed to any activity that may lead to a breach of individual security and to any possible form of
financing likely to encourage or fuel the exercise of such practices, as well as any exploitation or possible reduction of the person in a state of subjugation.

The ETC Group also attaches paramount importance to the protection of minors and the repression of exploitative behavior of any kind towards them.

To this end, the misuse of the IT tools of the ETC group and, in particular, the use of these tools to indulge or even only facilitate possible behavior related to the crime of child pornography, possibly including
virtual images, is prohibited and totally foreign to the Company.

Any employee or partner who, in the exercise of his professional activity, becomes aware of the commission of acts or behavior likely to favor any violation of personal security as identified above, as well as to constitute exploitation or reduction to a state of subjection the person must, without prejudice to legal obligations, immediately inform his superior.

How ETC commits to working conditions

Protection of the working environment

The ETC Group is committed to guaranteeing the health, safety, professionalism and competence of its employees and partners, who represent an absolute value for the prestige and credibility of the ETC Group.
By guaranteeing the primary value of human resources, the ETC Group does not tolerate any form of discrimination against its employees and collaborators. Employees and partners of the ETC Group, in their working environment and within the limits of the skills and responsibilities entrusted to them, must base their behavior on mutual fairness, with the greatest respect for the dignity and moral personality of each. All forms of intimidation or harassment of any kind are therefore absolutely prohibited.

The staff and partners of the ETC Group are required to carry out their office activities according to criteria of benevolence and transparency, with a sense of responsibility, absolute diligence and a spirit of cooperation with colleagues and third parties.
In order to offer the highest levels of quality to all those with whom they come into contact because of their position, employees and partners actively participate in the life of the company and promote their professional growth, always acquiring new skills. and capabilities.

The ETC Group also undertakes to provide its employees and partners with a working environment suitable for safeguarding their health, safety and physical and moral integrity, in compliance with the laws and regulations in force.

For these reasons, the ETC Group undertakes at each stage of its activity to ensure that:

  • stakeholders are trained, informed and made aware (according to their own powers and skills) to perform tasks and duties according to the prevention and protection methods given by the ETC Group;
  • stakeholders are made aware of the risks incurred in carrying out their activities;
  • workplaces, operating methods and organizational aspects are implemented in such a way as to protect the health of workers and third parties;
  • There is a company management aimed at the prevention of accidents, injuries and occupational diseases, as well as the prevention of accidents at work.

Valorization and development of human resources

ETC Group is aware of the value and professional development of its employees and partners. Managers and heads of functions or organizational units establish relationships with their employees based on mutual respect and close collaboration.
Each organizational unit manager supports the professional growth of the assigned resources, taking into account the capacities of each in the allocation of tasks, in order to achieve real efficiency in the operational field.
Everyone is guaranteed the same opportunities to express their professional potential.
The ETC Group indiscriminately recognizes professional qualities and the achievement of results, setting career development and economic incentives as objectives for each employee and stakeholder.

How ETC commits to the environment

At ETC, we recognize the vital importance of environmental protection. As a guarantee institute, we are committed to reducing our own carbon footprint through sustainable internal practices and green initiatives.

We work with clients who share our commitment to environmental stewardship, ensuring that their activities and projects align with the ecological principles of the United Nations Global Compact’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Additionally, we allocate funds to support projects and initiatives aimed at climate change adaptation and resilience.

Our dedication to these environmental causes reflects our vision for a sustainable future and our desire to inspire other institutions to adopt planet-friendly practices.

How ETC fights against corruption

The ETC group pays particular attention to the definition of business processes that comply with the law, internal regulations and contractual commitments.

In this sense, the ETC Group prohibits any behavior concerning the use, transformation or concealment of funds of illicit origin. It is also prohibited and completely foreign to the ETC Group any behavior that may constitute or be related to activities or the subversion of the democratic order of the State or that may constitute or be related to transnational crimes related to a criminal association, including mafia-type, money laundering, use of money, goods or services of illegal origin, inducing persons not to make statements or to make false statements to judicial authorities, personal complicity, as well as association with criminals for the purpose of smuggling foreign processed tobacco and illegal trafficking in narcotics or psychotropic substances, or relating to possible violations of provisions against immigration.

Any employee or associate who, in the course of their work, becomes aware of the commission of acts or behavior that may constitute terrorist activities of any kind or related to the aforementioned transnational crimes, aiding or financing these activities or, in any case, overthrow the democratic order, must, without prejudice to legal obligations, immediately inform its leaders.

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