The Surety Bond (STB) is a comprehensive range of guarantees for your public and private tenders offered by ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation, allowing you to respond to public or private tender invitations and secure your contracts. The instrument used for this purpose is the Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC). It is implemented in the forms of Bid Bond, Advance Payment Bond, Performance Guarantee, and Retention Release Guarantee.
Many companies often find themselves unable to bid on tender opportunities due to a lack of liquidity. Regulatory or contractual obligations become challenging for them to meet, adversely affecting their business relationships. ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation offers a comprehensive range of guarantees to enable these companies to confidently participate in both public and private tenders.
A guarantee to participate and execute your public and private tenders.
ETC – Export Trading & Cooperation’s Surety Bond (STB) provides you with a comprehensive solution of guarantees for your public and private tenders. Respond to tender invitations securely with our guarantees such as Bid Bond, Advance Payment Guarantee, Performance Guarantee, and Retention Guarantee Waiver. These guarantees enable you to meet the eligibility and financial capacity criteria required by the Employer. Choose peace of mind by utilizing our guarantees.
Contracting Authority |
Formula :APR = (AF/T) + (IF/T) + CF
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
AF = Application Fees (Indicative rate 1% flat)
IF = Issuing Fees (Indicative rate 0.5% flat)
T = Tenor (year)
CF = Commitment Fee (Annual rate according to Financial Rating*)
* See table